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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Difference Between Chemical and Nuclear Reactions

Before I head on to discuss the types of Chemical reaction let me first distinguish between a Nuclear reaction and a Chemical reactions. Often I have seen that some younger fellows are unaware of the fact that these both are two different things. This unawareness may be due to the lack of conceptual understanding of the structure of atom.
An atom is composed of a nucleus at the center having protons and neutrons packed in it. While the third particle, electron, circles around the nucleus. All the Chemical reactions are associated with the transfer,sharing,loss and gain of electrons. They have nothing to do with the nucleus.
On the other hand, the nuclear reaction are entirely associated with the nucleus of the atom and have nothing to do with electrons. The nuclear reactions are actually associated with the decomposition of the nucleus which changes it to another atom due to the loss of protons and neutrons.
In general a chemical reaction has a very low energy change associated with it, where as a nuclear reaction has a very high energy change.

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