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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Boiling Wax and Liquid

I do not advice trying this. If you do you will more than likely get burned.
In the screenshot I took above from a YouTube video on someone trying this shows the combustion that happens when you add Boiling Wax to a Liquid.
Okay the explanation for this happening. Combustion needs three things to occur: Fuel(The Wax), Heat and Oxygen. They are the basic things fire need. Without them fire cannot occur.
So you have Wax for heat and you have applied heat to that Wax. The only place the Wax gets oxygen is where the Wax and Air touch,so only the surface of the wax will be burning.
Then you add it to the water. The water turns to vapour expanding and pushing out itself and lots of wax in a cloud of small droplets. Now you have lots of heated wax, rapidly interacting with oxygen over a huge surface area. You have all three ingredients for combustion in supply. Then they combust.

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