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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Types of Chemical Reactions

During any chemical reaction, there is a conversion of the reactants into a single or many products. A reactant means a substance or substances that are involved in a chemical reaction. The chemical reactions occur under the appropriate conditions of pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst. The catalyst plays a significant role in increasing the rate of a chemical reaction without actually getting involved in that reaction.

Types of chemical reactions are characterized by the type of chemical changes. Any chemical reaction yields a single or more products, which are quite different from the reactants. The chemical reactions include some changes that involve the motion of electrons during the formation and breakage of chemical bonds. The chemical reactions could be written in a symbolic form. Chemical equations are used to describe a chemical transformation of elementary particles, which takes place during the reaction. The chemical reactions involve a change in energy; either released or absorbed. Chemical reactions are described as exothermic reactions (in which energy is released) or endothermic reactions (in which energy is absorbed).

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