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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chemical Reaction

A chemical reaction preserves the number of atoms and the total mass involved but redistributes the materials into new arrangements. For example, a yellow solid precipitate, lead iodide (PbI2), forms from the mixture of two clear liquids, potassium iodide (KI) and lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fire fighting

Fire gobbles its way through trees and buildings like a hungry animal—and in a sense that's exactly what it is: a living, breathing animal. Fire is a chemical reaction that feeds on fuel and oxygen. Give it plenty of both and it'll keep on burning indefinitely. Thank goodness, then, for firefighters, those brave men and women who set themselves the job of stopping fire in its tracks. Fire fighting is one of the toughest jobs there is and it calls for some equally tough equipment. Let's take a closer look at how to tackle those flames!

Chemical reaction - an energy-intensive industry finds the solution in CHP

Rising living standards in many parts of the world mean rising energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Having long-term secure supplies of energy and raw materials is essential for the success of manufacturers and industries. However, fossil fuel reserves are limited. A leading chemicals company in an energy-intensive industry, BASF recognizes and is addressing the challenges this presents in ensuring a sustainable future.
Power plants are the key to securing competitiveness in energy-intensive production. In the chemicals industry, energy costs account for on average 10%-15% of manufacturing costs, and sometimes as much as 50%, as in the case of electrolysis. Combined heat and power (CHP) is a highly efficient technology for the chemicals industry due to its economic and emissions savings. BASF’s CHP plants produce both electricity and steam, raising net fuel utilization to around 90%. They make a major contribution to achieving the company’s goal of reducing specific CO2 emissions per tonne of product sold by 10% by the year 2012 from 2002 levels

Chemical Processing

A catalyst is a substance or material that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed by the reaction. Catalysts are an essential component of many different industrial processes used to produce chemicals, foodstuffs and other materials. Gold had been overlooked by most researchers as a possible industrial catalyst until very recently. However, there is now a growing excitement about the potential gold may hold for catalysing industrial reactions, stimulated by the early work of Graham Hutchings at Cardiff University and researcher Masatake Haruta from AIST in Japan.
Examples of applications where a gold based catalyst is being used, developed or considered for use include the following :

titration [(teye-tray-shuhn)

The process, operation, or method of determining the concentration of a substance in solution by adding to it a standard reagent of known concentration in carefully measured amounts until a reaction of definite and known proportion is completed, as shown by a color change or by electrical measurement, and then calculating the unknown concentrationIn chemstry, the determination of what materials are present in a sample by adding precise amounts of known chemicals and observing the chemical reaction.

It's a Chemicals reaction

The Beck's Fusions project, which took over Trafalgar Square last night, promised to unite music with visual art. They picked the perfect headliners in dance duo the Chemical Brothers, musicians in severe need of something large and sparkly to distract spectators from the lack of goings-on onstage
Dressed in jeans and black T-shirts for their biggest London show ever in front of 9,000 competition winners, Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons huddled behind banks of esoteric equipment and let the huge screen behind them do the work.
Victims of the age-old problem for dance producers who want to perform live - how to look busy once you've pressed play - the non-stop synchronised videos provided more than enough diversion. Material was specially created by Adam Smith, who has directed episodes of Channel 4's Skins and videos for the Streets and Jamie T as Flat Nose George. United Visual Artists, creators of tour lightshows for Massive Attack and U2, took over for the hit-packed encore.